  • Listen to today’s talk
    “Seeking” the Unborn: The…

Ordering books, talks and videos


New copies of Holistic Consciousness, Insight into Individual Living, The Heart of Religion and The Oakroom Talks on Buddhism are available to purchase from Tim Surtell on a non-profit basis. For information about ordering these please send an e-mail to tim.surtell@beingtrulyhuman.org quoting the title of each book required and your country of residence.

To order used copies or Kindle Editions from Amazon, please follow the links below to your local Amazon website and see the ‘Used & New’ links for details of the copies that are currently available.


Early Indian Religious Thought

Holistic Consciousness

Insight into Individual Living

The Heart of Religion

The Oakroom Talks on Buddhism

Zarathushtra: The Transcendental Vision


Talks on CD or cassette are available to purchase from Tim Surtell on a non-profit basis. For information about ordering these please send an e-mail to tim.surtell@beingtrulyhuman.org quoting the catalogue code and title of each talk required and your country of residence.


A DVD featuring footage from the 1987 Buddhist Society Summer School is available to purchase from Tim Surtell on a non-profit basis. For information about ordering this please send an e-mail to tim.surtell@beingtrulyhuman.org quoting your country of residence.

Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

© 1959–2025 Being Truly Human