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Christmas Bring and Buy Sale of Tapes and Books

From the Editor

This year we shall be having another Christmas sale of tapes and books at Lillian Road. This will be on Sunday 3rd December at 2:30pm, and we hope to have a good selection for sale in aid of the Trust, at bargain prices.

If you have any surplus CDs, cassettes and books on suitable subjects and are willing to donate part of the proceeds to the Trust, please bring them along (but please no 7" reel tapes).

We already have a good stock of cassettes at Lillian Road for sale, but we do need others, as well as books, and the more we have the merrier and the better for the Trust!

We shall also be selling three of Phiroz’s books at bargain prices — The Heart of Religion, Holistic Consciousness and The Oakroom Talks on Buddhism. A few items will be given away free!

After the sale we shall be having tea and this will be followed by the playing of a recorded talk by Phiroz. I’ll very much look forward to seeing you — do please come!

If you are interested in attending please please contact the Editor.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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