  • Listen to today’s talk
    The Wholemaking of the Ps…


From the Editor

There are a number of ways in which members can help with the work of the Trust.

Firstly help is greatly needed at Dilkusha. Joan Fuller and Laila De Lys are doing wonders with the cooking and general housekeeping for Phiroz, but obviously they are not always able to be there, and much more help is needed, both at the weekends and during the week. If you would like to help Phiroz personally, thereby of course enjoying the pleasure of his company and conversation, please telephone Laila De Lys.

Members with special interests are invited to hold small groups at Dilkusha or Lillian Road on their chosen topics. Phiroz feels that this is particularly important in order that members may develop their own abilities and gifts and express them as a part of religious human living. Please contact Phiroz or Rosemary Monk.

It is hoped also that members may form small local groups among themselves, meeting in their own homes. A list of members’ names and addresses is being circulated.

Help is required before and after the meetings which Phiroz is holding at Dilkusha. Several people each time are needed to open the front door, receive members, make and serve tea, wash up and generally look after the arrangements. Please contact Rosemary Monk.

The garden at Dilkusha will also be requiring attention. If you would like to join the Gardening Group, please telephone Liz David.

Help is also needed with compiling an index of Phiroz’s recorded talks. This entails reading through his handwritten notes and selecting two or three key words from each talk for inclusion in the index. This work can of course be done in one’s own time at home. The Trust has received several inquiries for an index or catalogue of Phiroz’s talks, and at present we have nothing to offer. An index will be absolutely indispensible to future students of Phiroz’s work. If you can help, please contact Rosemary Monk.

Lastly, a reiteration of the request on for short articles on appropriate themes and comments and suggestions about the Newsletter and the work of the Trust. Please send these to the Editor.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

© 1959–2025 Being Truly Human