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Phiroz Mehta Centenary Celebrations

From the Editor

On 1st October 1902, Phiroz was born at Cambay, India, to Dorabji and Pirojbai Mehta. On 5th and 6th October 2002 some of Phiroz’s old friends and fellow-students celebrated this very significant event at 47 Lillian Road.

Here at Lillian Road we were all honoured and delighted that Phiroz’s sister, Mrs. Avabai Wadia, travelled specially from her home in Bombay to take part in the celebrations. We were all so pleased to also welcome John Mehta who accompanied his aunt. Very sadly, Robert and Jehanne were unable to attend as Robert a short while before had broken his leg.

It was a truly wonderful occasion — nothing clouded the happiness of the two days of meeting. However some of us could not help thinking, “What a pity Phiroz and Silvia are not here, they would have so much enjoyed it!”

This issue contains a number of views of the celebrations. Colour photographs of any of these can be ordered from the Trust at a cost of £1.00 for a 6” x 4” sized photograph.  Please quote the numbers of the photographs that you wish to order. Postage and packing will be £1.00 extra for any number up to six, and cheques should be made payable to The Phiroz Mehta Trust. However, please note that no photographs will be dispatched before January 2003.

Photo number 7
Photo number 10A
Photo number 13A
Photo number 2A
Photo number 3
Photo number 8A
Photo number 5
Photo number 9A


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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