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The Phiroz Mehta Trust Summer School 2011

From the Editor

This year we shall again be holding our Summer School in Edenbridge, where we have held several very happy Summer Schools in previous years. This year the dates will be from Saturday 4th to Thursday 9th June 2011. We hope to reserve one specific day for day visitors.

Our venue is an ideal place for the Summer School set, as it is, in lovely spacious grounds in a beautiful part of Kent. As well as large meeting rooms, there are a chapel, a labyrinth and a well-stocked library. The single rooms are very comfortable, and the food is vegetarian with home-grown fruit and vegetables. It will also be possible for people to have meat if they wish.

The cost will be £50 per person per day, and a deposit of £50 per person is required to make a booking.  This deposit will be non-refundable.

We have a small Summer School fund available for those who may have difficulty in meeting the full cost. Would anyone wishing to know more about this please contact the Trust in strict confidence. Donations to the fund would also be much appreciated.

During the Summer School we listen to a number of recorded talks by Phiroz Mehta, have discussions and readings, go for walks, usually have Chi Kung classes, and enjoy each other’s company. There are also opportunities for those who would like to do so to give short talks to participants.

If you would like more information about the Summer School, and to book, please contact the Trust.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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