  • Listen to today’s talk
    Mind Seeing Itself

The Phiroz Mehta Trust Autumn School 1998

From the Editor

The Autumn School was held at Lillian Road this year on 24th and 25th October.

There were a number of discussions among the participants concerning the future and direction of the Phiroz Mehta Trust, and useful proposals and suggestions were put forward. The following is a summary of what was suggested.

We should perhaps try to concentrate our efforts on interesting more mature people, say from 30 upwards. Although it would of course be good to bring in younger members, it was felt that some longer experience of life was perhaps necessary.

Separate group meetings held locally might be started by members. (This in fact was what was wished by Phiroz). For members starting a group, a pack consisting of books, leaflets, etc., would be provided by the Trust. It was also suggested that some of the tapes are too long and involved for newcomers — perhaps 20 to 30 minutes might be sufficient. Most of the existing members had the vital advantage of having known Phiroz personally. Those so privileged should not overlook that this privilege also carries a responsibility.

Suggestions for advertising were made, such as in Yoga magazine, Grace magazine, Gerard House, at Holland & Barrett, and in local newspapers in Barnes, at university libraries with philosophy included in their curriculum, and in magazines for older people, such as Saga.

Public meetings were discussed but it was generally felt that these would be better left for a while.

The suggestion was made that a A4 size Newsletter be produced with some contributions from outside writers in the religious field. However it was felt important not to deflect from Phiroz’s work, since it is his original thinking which is of the essence.

It was agreed that it is important to get Phiroz’s books in more numbers onto the public library shelves, particularly The Oakroom Talks on Buddhism. Members could greatly help by asking at their local library for a copy, as hopefully the book would then be purchased by the library authorities.

All in all, we had two days of very constructive discussions, as well as the opportunity of listening together to Phiroz’s talks. Bob Lee also gave us an interesting talk on “Energy”, which was greatly appreciated by all those who heard it.

† Readers are also invited to write in with their own suggestions about the future of the Trust. Anyone interested in starting a group should contact the Editor of the Newsletter.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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