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Is There Anybody Out There?

By Mary Easteal

How good it was to read letters from members of the group who very regularly attended Phiroz’s talks over so many years. Yes, I am also one of those who is still out there. When I was travelling up to London for the monthly meetings at Dilkusha, during some twenty years, I thought at the time how special it was. I felt and still feel extremely privileged to have known Phiroz and been able to be there to listen to and absorb his words, and experience the atmosphere of the shared interest of fellow seekers.

I remember him saying, “Don’t leave here puzzling about anything I’ve said — just let it go and when you are ready the meaning will become clear. You know it already, I am just a ‘bell-ringer’.” I have found this to be so true, and Phiroz’s effect on me still continues in my everyday life and has a profound effect on my understanding and teaching of Yoga.

At the end of the teaching year I often read to students this extract from Phiroz’s book Holistic Consciousness:

Don’t think, “How can I, an insignificant nobody in the midst of 5,000 million, make any difference in the world?”

Don’t worry about the world. That is the business of Transcendence. Your business is to be your own true self.

One shining sun gives light and life to the world. One pulsing star gives joy to all who look and guidance to the traveller. You are not different from that star, that sun.

You are the immortally beloved of Transcendence.

I remember saying to Phiroz, when I had finished reading the above book, how inspiring I had found the above words, and he said they had just “come to him” as he was completing the writing of the book. Phiroz was “a pulsing star who gave joy to all who looked and guidance to the traveller”. As a group member I feel those years of talks and their deep meaning are with me daily and shape my efforts to “be my own true self.”

I have only managed to get to Lillian Road once, but I am always interested to read the Newsletter and know that some of you do still meet up regularly and at the summer school too. I feel we are all together in spirit, and Phiroz’s wonderful legacy lives on.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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