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On Being a Quaker

By Bridget Andrews

I attend Quaker Meeting now. It is a great place in which to grow, as you are expected to think for yourself and believe only what you experience.

There is no Creed, but Quakers stand for Peace, Equality, Integrity, Simplicity and Compassion, and it is a way of life rather than a set of beliefs. The Quaker way is a silent “gathered” stillness where we can be open to inspiration and where some may be moved to speak, something anyone can do as we are all considered equal. There is often a theme that goes between people who speak, although it is not a conversation. We do not have priests or a hierarchy.

The Quaker way has its roots in Christianity and the life and teachings of Jesus, but we also acknowledge that ours is not the only way — including Humanism. Our understanding of Truth does not depend on professing identical beliefs, but in sharing and working together.

There are nearly 500 Quaker Meetings within the UK. Quaker Quest at Friends House, Euston Road, has presentations on the different topics connected with Quakerism for people wishing to know more.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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