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A Weekend at Cuddesdon House

By Ursula Dyke

It was so good to be visiting Cuddesdon House again this year. The atmosphere that was present last year was again re-created by all who were present this year. The lovely peaceful surroundings contributed to the feeling of well-being and one-ness. The house has its own special atmosphere.

I’m always promising myself that I will find time to listen to Phiroz’s tapes, but of course I never do, so it was the ideal opportunity to listen and discuss with others. I found this particularly uplifting and inspiring, as indeed I did last year.

There was much contribution from all those taking part. In particular, Sylvia Swain and Geoff Pullen gave some good talks with their own special knowledge, George Piggott again spent time preparing and demonstrating Ikebana, and then there was a day-long visit by a Buddhist monk and a novice from Amaravati, which was very enjoyable. Although I didn’t join in any of the meditation led by them, we all gathered round on a lovely sunny afternoon on the lawn in front of the house, and had time to sit and talk over tea. We would very much like to do this again next year. Eileen Benson introduced some of us to Chi-Kung — very gentle slow energising exercises which we did in the evenings and were very welcome at the end of the day.

I returned home from the weekend feeling relaxed. I had enjoyed the atmosphere, the company and the food, and I’ll be booking up again for next year!


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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