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    The Tyranny of the “I-am-…

The Phiroz Mehta Trust Spring School 1995

From the Editor

A non-residential Spring School was held at Lillian Road on Saturday and Sunday 4th and 5th March.

Although 47 Lillian Road has been the centre for group meetings for some years now, this was our first attempt at a weekend School, and some doubts were entertained as to the size and suitability of the house, etc. In the event, however, all went extremely well. There was no overcrowding, the weather was kind, we were able to get out for walks, and at lunchtime we all sat and ate our sandwiches and salads.

We heard two tapes by Phiroz, those of 20th May and 3rd June, 1972, and we were also given a talk by Eileen Benson who spoke on the theme of personality, essence, and of our sense of “I”. This theme was continued on the second day by Ron Kett, who approached the subject from the viewpoint of the Gurdjieff and Ouspensky philosophies. Eileen also led a session of Chi-Kung. We had several general discussions about the work of the Trust, and there was also ample time for those who just wished for quietness and silence.

All in all, the School was a very happy time where we were able to meet together in fellowship and harmony. We hope to hold another, perhaps slightly longer School, later in the year.


Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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