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    Joy and Creative Renewal

Let Me Stand

By Clare Cameron

Let me stand for peace and order in a disordered world. Let me not be involved in the feverish distractions, the constant busy-ness and restlessness that drives so many lives, but tune my days and nights to the quiet rhythms of the universe. For these express and satisfy the spirit. Let me find my personal rhythm in that Greater Rhythm and abide in it, in all changing scenes, circumstances and events, as a ship rides the sea or a bird the air. For this is to feel one with, and at home in the universe which nourishes, sustains and for ever recreates us, through life and death.

Let me stand for good manners, good taste and a true sense of values in everything, amidst much that is so shoddy, cheap and second-rate that the young amongst us no longer remember the art and the discipline of gracious living. Let me be courteous to all and superior to none, and reverence all life.

Let me keep my sense of wonder before the perpetual miracles of simple things — daily bread, the fruitful earth, open skies, running water, the grace of beasts, the skill of men and the inspirations of art. Let not my senses run after false glamour in any of its allures, lest I encourage the commerce and the greed in every country which exploits the ignorant. Let me listen and try to understand everyone, every situation and circumstance, rather than judge on insufficient evidence. Let me never assault the sacred territory of another but, aware of concealed distress, do all I can to support, comfort and alleviate, thus bridging in love and sympathy the loneliness in which so many live.

Let me be happy, that I may bring happiness to others. Let my vision be clear and far-flung for those who cannot see very well or very far, thus helping them discover the patterns of eternity in the chaos of history, and be re-inspired and find new hope.

Let me give thanks all the days of my life for the radiance of the opening vistas on every side. “For they that have walked in darkness have seen a great Light.” Let me take the hands of all who stumble in the darkness and do all in my power to help them to that Light.

In this is the greatest joy that anyone can know.

Let me bring that joy. Amen.


I loved this article the first time I saw it in 2002, reading it from the booklet I found in my friends place. And lost the booklet in 2004, and it was very painful because I loved to read only this article more.

Francis, 4th July 2017

Tim Surtell
Website Developer and Archivist

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